Underfloor Insulation

Reduce draft and heat loss through floorboards

save energy with

Underfloor Insulation


Underfloor insulation can reduce the drafts and heat loss through floorboards, skirting boards and pipework dramatically.

If your floor is not already insulated, doing so could be a great way to help heat your home whilst reducing your fuel bills and carbon footprint. The process is quick and simple, and most installs can be completed in a few hours with very little disruption. There is no need to tear apart your floors either. Often all that is needed is a depth of half a metre under the floor and access to a small hatch which can be cut in a location convenient for you.

Benefits of underfloor insulation

Well installed underfloor insulation will mean your house will heat up quicker and loose heat slower.


Elimate drafts

Many older houses with suspended timber floors have big draughts and inadequate floor insulation; this can cause cold feet as well as higher energy bills. Installing underfloor insulation can address both these problems and give a payback on your investment in 5 years or less.


Reduce cold air

Cracks and holes in floorboards allow air to creep in through the floor, making a home colder in winter. By installing underfloor insulation, you are essentially creating a layer between external temperatures and your floorboards, which prevents air from creeping in through the floors.


Save money on energy bills

With inadequate or no underfloor insulation, your home can be suffering up to 15% additional heat loss. Once you make less use of your energy units, like heaters and air conditioning, you will naturally receive smaller bills from your gas and electricity companies. This translates to more money in your pocket and becomes a way for you to recoup your initial investment in underfloor insulation.

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